Category: Lifestyle


Coronavirus bucket list!

Ok so here we all are on various stages of lockdown. To keep us all a little bit happier we decided to write a life list of all the things we’d like to do...


19 quick ways to boost your mood

If you’re anything like me you can find yourself in these ridiculous slumps of emotion – self loathing, misery, despair, you name it. Of course I’d love to be able to just jet away...


How did I get here…

I’m a 30 something girl living in London. I work too hard and earn far too little money but I have fun doing it. In October 2015 I decided to start a blog about...


Welcome to my new page

Hi guys! I’m Justine. Mum to one and a keen traveller. I felt that this year I wanted to further myself in a new direction so I decided to turn my hand to blogging!...